Do You Have a Daily Practice?

Research by the University of California looked into how some of our digital practices are affecting our wellbeing. Many of us use a range of digital technologies to help us multi-task. At best, these tools make us more productive, at worst they are the enemy of our connection with the present.
By Nicholas Brice, The Business Soulman.
Did you know that after only 20 minutes of regular interruption to our more focused concentration, people experience measurable increases in stress, frustration, workload, effort and pressure?
The good news is the increased pressure means we get things done a little quicker, but there is evidence that we write less in each email or message. We get things done, yes, but we are briefer. We may potentially give less thought about who is on the receiving end, how they will receive the message and the impact what we are saying/writing will have on how we feel about each other.
We’re entering a new world of working and living, powered by digital technology. With this new world comes some new challenges for how we go about our daily lives in a way that is aligned with our own wellbeing, our communities, and the planet.
To be able to function successfully in these conditions requires real self-awareness and some healthy habits and practices to keep our balance and focus, and to cultivate the strong connections with others whose support we need to be able to meet our challenges together.
Have you done an activity this morning specifically aimed at preparing your body, mind, heart and soul for the day?
I recommend some kind of daily practice specifically aimed at developing a strong connection with what is happening in the present moment, what is happening NOW. We can focus on increasing our gratitude for what we have NOW as well. Some of us may also need to reduce the sheer volume of mental traffic that we can easily succumb to when we are over-exposing ourselves to all the stimulating content that meets the eye.
Except for this Blog of course…😊
November is launch month for my new book: The Mindful Communicator, published by Soul Corporations®. It’s available NOW on Amazon. Order a copy here: