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Why Your Business Needs a CX Strategy: Insights from an Industry Veteran

Written by Engage Customer | Jul 3, 2024 3:10:48 PM

Rod Jones, Rod Jones Contact Centres Consulting reveals why your business needs a customer experience (CX) strategy. 

In an era where customer loyalty is hard-won and easily lost, a strong Customer Experience (CX) strategy is more crucial than ever. It's no longer enough to simply offer a good product or service; businesses must consistently deliver exceptional experiences that keep customers returning. This requires a well-defined CX strategy that permeates every level of the organisation, from the CEO down to the front-line employees. Here's why having a solid CX strategy, backed by effective methodologies and top-down buy-in, is crucial for modern businesses.


A CX strategy outlines how a company will deliver exceptional customer experiences at every touchpoint. It's a comprehensive plan that aligns with and fully supports the company's overall business goals, ensuring that every department or business unit works towards a unified objective. Without a CX strategy, efforts to improve customer experience can be disjointed, leading to inconsistent and often disappointing customer interactions.

Investing in CX is not just about keeping customers happy; it's about driving business growth. Research shows that companies with robust CX strategies outperform their competitors. For instance, a study by Forrester found that companies excelling in CX grow revenues 5.1 times faster than those with poor customer experiences. Additionally, PwC's Future of CX report highlights that 73% of consumers point to customer experience as an essential factor in their purchasing decisions, often valuing it more than price or product quality.

Methodologies for Effective CX

Developing and implementing a CX strategy requires a structured approach. Here are some key methodologies that can help:

  1. Customer Journey Mapping: This involves creating a visual representation of every interaction a customer has with your brand or organisation. By understanding the customer journey, businesses can identify pain points and opportunities to enhance the experience.
  2. Voice of the Customer (VoC) Programs: VoC programs collect and analyse customer feedback to gain insights into customer needs and expectations. This data-driven approach helps in making informed decisions that enhance the customer experience.
  3. CX Metrics and KPIs: Setting clear metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) is essential for measuring the effectiveness of your CX strategy. Common CX metrics include Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Satisfaction (CSAT), and Customer Effort Score (CES).
  4. Employee Engagement: Engaged employees are critical to delivering great customer experiences. Training and empowering employees to understand and embody the company's CX vision can make a significant difference.


For a CX strategy to be truly effective, it must have buy-in from the top. The CEO and executive team must champion the cause, setting the tone for the entire organisation. When the leadership team prioritises CX, it clearly conveys that customer experience is a key business objective.

CEO buy-in is also crucial for securing the necessary resources and driving cross-functional collaboration. It ensures that all departments, from marketing to operations to customer service, are aligned and working together to enhance customer experience. Moreover, visible leadership support can inspire and motivate employees at all levels to prioritise CX in their daily activities.

Last words
Investing in CX goes beyond being a competitive edge; it's a strategic necessity that directly influences market share and bottom-line profits. Companies that excel in customer experience lead their industries and enhance customer loyalty, driving sustained revenue growth and delivering significant returns for stakeholders.

By Rod Jones, Rod Jones Contact Centres Consulting