Contact a customer engagement expert
If you have a question about an event, attendance, speaking or sponsorship — or anything else — use this form to send us a message.
One of our team will pick it up and get in touch.
Alternatively, phone us - we're always here to help 01932 506 300
2 Esher Road, Hersham, Surrey, KT12 4JY
Got a quick question? The answer might be here:
What type of events does Engage Customer offer?
Our events are London based in-person events.
See more about our events by using the navigation menu at the top of the page.
If we want to purchase multiple tickets, is this possible?
Yes, of course. Multiple people from the same company will often attend together.
Where do Engage Customer events take place?
In-person events usually take place in London, but virtual events can be accessed online.
What kind of people attend Engage Customer events?
Attendees at Engage Customer events are always highly engaged and often relatively senior (Head of, Director, C-Suite level) managers responsible for customer success.
We also often see upper-middle management delegates in attendance on behalf of the more senior leaders in their business.
What is the link between Engage Customer and the companies showcased across the website?
We’re proud to have speakers from some of the biggest companies in the world. We’re also very pleased to have some of the same companies sponsor our events and facilitate making them happen.
These are the companies you see shown across various pages on this website.